At KARM, we’ve learned the transition from being a guest here to living in permanent housing can be jarring. Too often, former guests go from being constantly surrounded by people, support and services to being completely alone. Sadly, this transition can sometimes have devastating consequences, even resulting in relapsing into homelessness.
AfterCare seeks to ease the transition out of homelessness and help men and women continue their journey toward a fully restored, abundant life and to thrive in life outside of KARM. Our staff and volunteers accomplish this goal by making home visits and helping former guests connect to the following in their new community:
A Thriving Church
Community Resources
Social and Service Opportunities
Do You want to help?
Do you want to help men and women move into their own homes? Sign up on the volunteer page and let them know that you would like to volunteer with AfterCare.
“Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very lives as well.”
1 Thessalonians 2:8.