Once KARM guests’ emergency needs are met, our four-week LaunchPoint program focuses on helping students find hope and stability—reconnecting men and women to the dreams they once had and helping them begin a new life journey.
LaunchPoint curriculum helps students discover God’s good, vital plan and purpose for their lives. With a new understanding of His plan, they develop their own life plan—learning how to set realistic goals and how to take manageable steps to meet those goals and accomplish their plan. They also learn about a variety of life and job skills and community resources.
One of the most beautiful changes that takes place in LaunchPoint is watching how students’ hearts and minds are transformed once they are surrounded by strong, supportive relationships with volunteers, staff and fellow students.

While guests are waiting on housing, they are encouraged to participate in LaunchPoint2, where they continue developing life skills, with the goal of helping them break the cycle of homelessness in their lives.
From July 2023 through May 2024, 40 KARM guests have gotten into housing, with 21 of those men and women graduating from LaunchPoint and LaunchPoint2. That’s a number like KARM has never seen before, and are excited for the momentum we’re experiencing in helping our guests become and remain “homeless no more”!
Every day at the beginning of class, students, volunteers and staff proclaim together this hope-building, life-changing promise:
“I’m in the right place at the right time for the right reasons with the right people.
And God is with us.
And God is with us.”
To date, more than 1,100 men and women have graduated from LaunchPoint. Those graduates have moved on to employment and independent living or are moving forward to break the cycle of homelessness in their lives.