Corners of Your Field Church

Corners Of Your Field

Corners Of Your Field is a partnership opportunity between Knox Area Rescue Ministries and local churches and non-profit organizations. Corners Of Your Field encourages members of our partner churches and organizations to be intentional about selecting their gently used household items for donation to KARM Stores. The stores then return a portion of the value of these donated items in the form of gift cards to your organization to help members in need.

“When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very corners of your field … you shall leave them for the needy and for the stranger.” Leviticus 23:22

How does this partnership work?

The process is quite simple.

  • Individuals or families donate their gently used items to KARM Stores
  • The KARM Stores employee serving them will ask the name of your church or organization
  • Quarterly, your church or organization will receive gift cards to KARM Stores that can be given to anyone who comes to your organization in need of help

And, donors are still able to take advantage of the tax-deduction with every gift to KARM Stores.

How do I get my church/organization involved with Corners Of Your Field?

Send your name, phone number, and Church/organization name in an email to and someone will be in contact with you with the next steps. We look forward to our partnership!