Rescuing and restoring mothers, daughters and sisters
For 38 years, Serenity has been a light in the darkness for women in crisis. Serving up to 32 women (and children), Serenity offers an 18-month biblically-based residential program in a beautiful, secure environment for those seeking a safe place of rescue, recovery and restoration.
Serenity is a place to:
- understand the root causes of their problems in a loving, Christian environment
- enjoy a restored life of freedom from addiction, domestic violence and homelessness
- become empowered to succeed in everyday life for the rest of their lives
From the moment a woman enters Serenity, volunteers and staff begin preparing them for the day they will leave. We’ve learned one of the most important keys to successful recovery is for a person to truly understand they are a unique creation deeply loved by God.

Serenity North
One of the most exciting things that happened in 2023 was purchasing an additional home to expand Serenity Ministries’ impacts. Beginning in the spring of 2024, this additional space will be used for single women, allowing us to minister to more women and children at our original Serenity campus. Sadly, we often have to turn away women (many of them with children) from Serenity for lack of space, so this new space is an incredible blessing from God!