It all started with a question:

What would be your BIG IDEA to take KARM’s ministry to the next level?

For Liz Galloway, KARM’s Director of Food Services, the answer was easy. In fact, it had been her dream and vision for a few years:

A food truck.”

  • A food truck that provides diverse, unique food experiences to customers across East Tennessee—served up with a dash of southern spice

  • A food truck that expands training opportunities for KARM’s Abundant Life Training students

  • A food truck that allows KARM to take its ministries beyond our walls to serve our area’s homeless and hungry neighbors wherever we find them

  • A food truck that fills stomachs and feeds souls

Thank you for stopping by to experience our chef’s delicious culinary options.

You’re helping us restore lives in Jesus’ name…one meal at a time.

For More Information:

865-640-SALT (7258)