All of us at KARM are grateful to be one of the 23 recipients of Trinity Health Foundation of East Tennessee‘s 2023 Phase I grant awards. Recipients use this Phase I funding to research and plan what it would take to implement and sustain the health program their grant application addresses. They will take what they learned from their Phase I work and develop a proposal to be considered for Trinity’s Phase II Large Grants Division funds, which could be up to $150,000.
If KARM is awarded these Phase II funds, we will use them to increase access to behavioral health for our guests–a critical, much-needed resource for men and women trying to break the cycle of homelessness in their lives. Congratulations to all the Phase I winners!
(Pictured left to right at the awards luncheon: Trinity Board member Jennifer Little, Trinity Board member Jordan Mollenhour, KARM’s President & CEO Danita McCartney, and Trinity Health Foundation Board President Dr. Lee Martin)
Originating in 1906, Citygate Network is North America’s oldest and largest community of independent, faith-based, crisis shelters and life-transformation centers. In most major cities, a member of Citygate Network is the most comprehensive homeless services provider, and in some cities, it is the only homeless services provider.
The 300+ organizations in Citygate Network membership seek to move people in desperate situations and destitute conditions (i.e., hungry, homeless, abused, and addicted) from human suffering to human flourishing through the process of gospel-powered life transformation.
Pastor Mychal and Carey share amazing stories of God’s love at work in this award-winning video. Watch now!
KARM.org, designed by New Frame Creative, won an award of merit in Media Innovations from Citygate Network in 2023.